To further continue your registration process, follow these steps:
- Step 1: Signup to RIESPO with the same email ID.
- Step 2: Enter the unique booking code after the sign-up process.
*Please note the unique booking code is not your password. It must be entered separately when prompted.
- Step 3: Perform the below mentioned 5 exercises and record a video of at least one exercise.
Please note the answers to all questions and fill them on the website when prompted.
- How quickly can you sprint 15 meters from a standing start? Please provide your time in seconds
- How many consecutive times can you juggle the ball with your feet before it touches the ground?
- How many consecutive times can you juggle the ball with your head before it touches the ground?
- Set up two 4 x 4 meter squares 15 meters apart. Shoot to land the ball in the other square. You have 10 attempts, count how many times you succeed.
- Take 10 penalty shots, evenly split between the left and right corners. Count successful attempts where the ball stays within 1 meter of the goal posts.
- Step 4: Upload the video as a YouTube video. Submit this video link after answering all the questions.
*Disclaimer: The entry will not be accepted in any other format.